Owner of internet

The owner of the internet?

Do you know this? No??

Let’s know this!

We daily use the internet and pay money to our service providers. Are they are the main owner of the internet?
The answer is no.

The owners of the internet are the companies who setups the cables in oceans.  And they not completely own the internet.

In short, we pay to our internet service provider, they take their interest from us and they are payable to the companies who setups the cables in oceans. That’s the process and that companies are not payable to anyone only they pay the taxes if any.
The main point is that no government can lay claim to owning the internet.

The internet works because of a system of rule called protocols. By following these protocols, computers can send information across the network to other computers. If there were no protocols, then there be no guarantee that the information sent from one computer could be understood by another, or that it even reaches the right destination.

There is need of physical connections for the internet because antennas cannot communicate or transmit data throughout the continents so there is need of physical connections. That’s why the cables are setups in oceans and connect all the continents through cable. This is a complicated net of cables. As shown in figure
The amazing fact is all continents are connected with cables.

  1. There is not a particular owner of the internet. 
  2.  No government can lay claim to owning the internet.
  3. The companies who setups the cables are not payable to anyone. They only pay Texas.

by: Alok Kr. Pandey

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